Source code for cmiles.utils

Utility functions for cmiles generator
import numpy as np
import copy
import collections
import warnings

    from rdkit import Chem
    has_rdkit = True
except ImportError:
    has_rdkit = False

    from openeye import oechem
    if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed():
        has_openeye = False
    has_openeye = True
except ImportError:
    has_openeye = False

if not has_openeye and not has_rdkit:
    raise ImportError("Must have openeye or rdkit installed")

_symbols = {'H': 1, 'He': 2,
            'Li': 3, 'Be': 4, 'B': 5, 'C': 6, 'N': 7, 'O': 8, 'F': 9, 'Ne': 10,
            'Na': 11, 'Mg': 12, 'Al': 13,' Si': 14, 'P': 15, 'S': 16, 'Cl': 17, 'Ar': 18,
            'K': 19, 'Ca': 20, 'Sc': 21, 'Ti': 22, 'V': 23, 'Cr': 24, 'Mn': 25, 'Fe': 26, 'Co': 27, 'Ni': 28, 'Cu': 29,
            'Zn': 30, 'Ga': 31, 'Ge': 32, 'As': 33, 'Se': 34, 'Br': 35, 'Kr': 36, 'Rb': 37, 'Sr': 38, 'Y': 39, 'Zr': 40,
            'Nb': 41, 'Mo': 42, 'Tc': 43, 'Ru': 44, 'Rh': 45, 'Pd': 46, 'Ag': 47, 'Cd': 48, 'In': 49, 'Sn': 50, 'Sb': 51,
            'Te': 52, 'I': 53, 'Xe': 54, 'Cs': 55, 'Ba': 56, 'La': 57, 'Ce': 58, 'Pr': 59, 'Nd': 60, 'Pm': 61, 'Sm': 62,
            'Eu': 63,' Gd': 64, 'Tb': 65, 'Dy': 66, 'Ho': 67, 'Er': 68, 'Tm': 69, 'Yb': 70, 'Lu': 71, 'Hf': 72, 'Ta': 73,
            'W': 74, 'Re': 75, 'Os': 76, 'Ir': 77, 'Pt': 78, 'Au': 79, 'Hg': 80, 'Tl': 81, 'Pb': 82, 'Bi': 83, 'Po':84,
            'At': 85, 'Rn': 86, 'Fr': 87, 'Ra': 88, 'Ac': 89, 'Th': 90,' Pa': 91, 'U': 92, 'Np': 93, 'Pu': 94, 'Am': 95,
            'Cm': 96, 'Bk': 97, 'Cf': 98, 'Es': 99, 'Fm': 100, 'Md': 101, 'No': 102, 'Lr': 103, 'Rf': 104, 'Db': 105,
            'Sg': 106, 'Bh': 107, 'Hs': 108, 'Mt': 109}
BOHR_2_ANGSTROM = 0.529177210

[docs]def load_molecule(inp_molecule, toolkit='openeye', **kwargs): """ Load molecule. Input is restrictive. Allowed inputs are: 1. Isomeric SMILES 2. JSON serialized molecule Parameters ---------- inp_molecule: str or dict isomeric SMILES or QCSChema toolkit: str, optional, default openeye. cheminformatics toolkit to use Returns ------- molecule: `oechem.OEMOl` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` """ # Check input if isinstance(inp_molecule, dict): # This is a JSON molecule. molecule = mol_from_json(inp_molecule, toolkit=toolkit, **kwargs) elif isinstance(inp_molecule, str): if toolkit == 'openeye' and has_openeye: molecule = oechem.OEMol() if not oechem.OESmilesToMol(molecule, inp_molecule): raise ValueError("The supplied SMILES {} could not be parsed".format(inp_molecule)) elif toolkit == 'rdkit' and has_rdkit: molecule = Chem.MolFromSmiles(inp_molecule) if not molecule: raise ValueError("The supplied SMILES {} could not be parsed".format(inp_molecule)) else: raise ValueError("Only openeye and rdkit toolkits are supported") else: raise ValueError("Only QCSchema serialized molecule or an isomric SMILES are valid inputs") return molecule
[docs]def mol_from_json(inp_molecule, toolkit='openeye', **kwargs): """ Load a molecule from QCSchema see `QCSchema <>`_ Required fields for the QCSchema molecule: 1. symbols 2. geometry 3. connectivity Parameters ---------- inp_molecule: dict QCSchema molecule with `symbols`, `geometry` and `connectivity` toolkit: str, optional. Default openeye cheminformatics toolkit to use. Currently supports `openeye` and `rdkit` **permute_xyz: bool, optional, default False If False, will add flag to molecule such that the mapped SMILES retains the order of serialized geometry. If True, mapped SMILES will be in canonical order and serialized geometry will have to be reordered. Returns ------- molecule `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` """ # Check fields required_fields = ['symbols', 'geometry', 'connectivity'] for key in required_fields: if key not in inp_molecule: raise KeyError("input molecule must have {}".format(key)) symbols = inp_molecule['symbols'] connectivity = inp_molecule['connectivity'] # convert to Angstrom. geometry = np.asarray(inp_molecule['geometry'], dtype=float)*BOHR_2_ANGSTROM if len(symbols) != geometry.shape[0]/3: raise ValueError("Number of atoms in molecule does not match length of position array") if toolkit == 'openeye' and has_openeye: import cmiles._cmiles_oe as mol_toolkit elif toolkit == 'rdkit' and has_rdkit: import cmiles._cmiles_rd as mol_toolkit else: raise ValueError("Only openeye and rdkit backends are supported") molecule = mol_toolkit.mol_from_json(symbols, connectivity, geometry, **kwargs) return molecule
[docs]def mol_to_smiles(molecule, **kwargs): """ Generate canonical smiles from molecule Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` **isomeric: bool, optional, default True If False, SMILES will not include stereo information **explicit_hydrogen: bool, optional, default True If True, SMILES will have explicit hydrogen. **mapped: bool, optional, default True If True, SMILES will have map indices Example: O=O will be ``[O:1]=[O:2]`` Returns ------- str SMILES """ molecule = copy.deepcopy(molecule) toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) if has_atom_map(molecule): remove_atom_map(molecule) return toolkit.mol_to_smiles(molecule, **kwargs)
[docs]def mol_to_hill_molecular_formula(molecule): """ Generate Hill sorted empirical formula. Hill sorted first lists C and H and then all other symbols in alphabetical order Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- str hill sorted empirical formula """ # check molecule toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) if not has_explicit_hydrogen(molecule): molecule = toolkit.add_explicit_hydrogen(molecule) symbols = toolkit.get_symbols(molecule) count = collections.Counter(x.title() for x in symbols) hill_sorted = [] for k in ['C', 'H']: # remove C and H from count if k in count: c = count.pop(k) hill_sorted.append(k) if c > 1: hill_sorted.append(str(c)) for k in sorted(count.keys()): c = count[k] hill_sorted.append(k) if c > 1: hill_sorted.append(str(c)) return "".join(hill_sorted)
[docs]def mol_to_map_ordered_qcschema(molecule, molecule_ids, multiplicity=1, **kwargs): """ Genereate JSON serialize following `QCSchema specs <>`_ Geometry, symbols and connectivity table ordered according to map indices in mapped SMILES Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` **molecuel must have a conformer**. molecule_ids: dict cmiles generated molecular ids. multiplicity: int, optional, defualt 1 multiplicity of molecule Returns ------- dict JSON serialized molecule following QCSchema specs """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) mapped_smiles = molecule_ids['canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_mapped_smiles'] atom_map = toolkit.get_atom_map(molecule, mapped_smiles, **kwargs) connectivity = get_connectivity_table(molecule, atom_map) symbols, geometry = toolkit.get_map_ordered_geometry(molecule, atom_map) charge = get_charge(molecule) qcschema_mol = {'symbols': symbols, 'geometry': geometry, 'connectivity': connectivity, 'molecular_charge': charge, 'molecular_multiplicity': multiplicity, 'identifiers': molecule_ids} return qcschema_mol
[docs]def get_atom_map(molecule, mapped_smiles, **kwargs): """ Get mapping of map index -> atom index Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` mapped_smiles: str explicit hydrogen mapped SMILES Returns ------- atom_map: dict dictionary mapping `{map_index: atom_index}` """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) atom_map = toolkit.get_atom_map(molecule, mapped_smiles) return atom_map
[docs]def get_connectivity_table(molecule, atom_map): """ Generate connectivity table Parameters ---------- molecule: oechem.Mol or rdkit.Chem.Mol atom_map: dict ``{map_idx : atom_idx}`` Returns ------- list: list of lists lists of atoms bonded and the bond order [[map_idx_1, map_idx_2, bond_order] ...] """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) inverse_map = dict(zip(atom_map.values(), atom_map.keys())) return toolkit.get_connectivity_table(molecule, inverse_map)
[docs]def permute_qcschema(json_mol, molecule_ids, **kwargs): """ permute geometry and symbols to correspond to map indices on mapped SMILES Parameters ---------- json_mol: dict JSON serialized molecule. Required fields: `symbols`, `geometry`, `connectivity` and `multiplicity` molecule_ids: dict cmiles generated molecular ids Returns ------- dict JSON serialized molecule. `symbols`, `geometry`, and `connectivity` ordered according to map indices on mapped SMILES. Also includes `identifiers` field with cmiles generated identifiers. """ molecule = mol_from_json(json_mol, **kwargs) ordered_qcschema = mol_to_map_ordered_qcschema(molecule, molecule_ids, json_mol['molecular_multiplicity']) return ordered_qcschema
[docs]def has_atom_map(molecule): """ Check if molecule has atom map indices. Will return True even if only one atom has map index Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.Mol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- bool True if has one map index. False if molecule has no map indices """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.has_atom_map(molecule)
[docs]def is_missing_atom_map(molecule): """ Check if any atom in molecule is missing atom map index Parameters ---------- molecule: oechem.Mol or rdkit.Chem.Mol Returns ------- bool True if even if only one atom map is missing. False if all atoms have atom maps. """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.is_missing_atom_map(molecule)
[docs]def is_map_canonical(molecule): """ Check if map indices on molecule is in caononical order Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.Mol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- bool """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.is_map_canonical(molecule)
[docs]def remove_atom_map(molecule, keep_map_data=True): """ Remove atom map from molecule Parameters ---------- molecule `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` keep_map_data: bool, optional, default True If True, will save map indices in atom data """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) toolkit.remove_atom_map(molecule)
[docs]def restore_atom_map(molecule): """ Restore atom map from atom data in place Parameters ---------- molecule `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) toolkit.restore_atom_map(molecule) if not has_atom_map(molecule): warnings.warn("There were no atom maps in atom data to restore")
[docs]def has_stereo_defined(molecule): """ Checks if molecule has all stereo defined. Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- bool True if all stereo defined, False otherwise Notes ----- This does not check if all chirality or bond stereo are consistent. The best way to check is to try to generate a 3D conformer. If stereo information is inconsistent, this will fail. """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.has_stereo_defined(molecule)
[docs]def has_explicit_hydrogen(molecule): #ToDo: Use option in RDKit to generate explicit hydrogen molecules from explicit hydrogen SMILES """ Check if molecule has explicit hydrogen. Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- bool True if has all explicit H. False otherwise. """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.has_explicit_hydrogen(molecule)
[docs]def add_explicit_hydrogen(molecule): """ Add explicit hydrogen to molecule Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- molecule `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` with explict hydrogen """ toolkit = _set_toolkit(molecule) return toolkit.add_explicit_hydrogen(molecule)
[docs]def get_charge(molecule): """ Get charge state of molecule Parameters ---------- molecule: `oechem.OEMol` or `rdkit.Chem.Mol` Returns ------- int total charge of molecule """ charge = 0 for atom in molecule.GetAtoms(): charge += atom.GetFormalCharge() return charge
def _set_toolkit(molecule): """ Set toolkit to use by checking molecule instance and if the toolkit is installed Parameters ---------- molecule: oechem.OEMol or rdkit.Chem.Mol Returns ------- toolkit: module either cmiles._cmiles_oe or cmiles._cmiles_rd """ if has_openeye and isinstance(molecule, (oechem.OEMol, oechem.OEMol, oechem.OEGraphMol, oechem.OEMolBase)): import cmiles._cmiles_oe as toolkit elif has_rdkit and isinstance(molecule, Chem.rdchem.Mol): import cmiles._cmiles_rd as toolkit else: raise RuntimeError("Must have openeye or rdkit installed") return toolkit
[docs]def invert_atom_map(atom_map): """ Invert atom map `{map_idx:atom_idx} --> {atom_idx:map_idx}` Parameters ---------- atom_map: dict `{map_idx:atom_idx}` Returns ------- dict `{atom_idx:map_idx}` """ return dict(zip(atom_map.values(), atom_map.keys()))